Smooth, Youthful Skin with Anti-wrinkle Treatments

A Botox treatment offers clients a smoother and more youthful appearance by reducing fine lines and wrinkles. The procedure involves injecting small amounts of botulinum toxin into facial muscles, relaxing them to soften the lines. Results are noticeable within days to a week and last for several months, providing a refreshed and rejuvenated look that enhances confidence and self-esteem.

Rediscover Youthful Radiance

Unlock a more youthful version of yourself with our Botox treatments. Smooth away fine lines and wrinkles, restoring a fresh, radiant appearance that will leave you looking and feeling your best.

Expertly Administered

Trust Rebecca and experienced and certified professional to perform your Botox treatment with precision and care. Rebecca ensures that each injection is placed strategically to achieve natural-looking results, tailored to your unique facial features.

Quick and Convenient

Say goodbye to lengthy downtime and invasive procedures. Botox treatments are quick and virtually painless, allowing you to resume your daily activities immediately with no disruption to your busy schedule.

Long-Lasting Effects

Enjoy the benefits of a younger-looking you for months after your Botox treatment. Our carefully administered injections deliver lasting results, leaving you feeling confident and rejuvenated for an extended period.

Non-Surgical Anti-Aging Solution

Botox offers a safe and non-surgical approach to combat the signs of aging. With no incisions or scarring, our treatments effectively reduce wrinkles and lines, giving you a natural and refreshed appearance without the need for surgery. Rediscover your beauty today with our transformative Botox solutions.


  • Forehead

    The forehead is the most common Botox injection site, as it’s where many people first see the signs of aging. Horizontal wrinkles along the brow are easily treated with Botox injections.

    Between Eyebrows

    The area between your eyebrows, also known as the glabella, or “11” lines, is also a popular treatment area. Smoothing out these vertical wrinkles corrects a tired or angry appearance for a more vibrant look.

    Upper Eyebrow

    Botox injected into the upper eyebrow can mimic the effects of an eyebrow lift by relaxing the muscles that cause upper eyelids to droop.

    Crow’s Feet (Eye Creases)

    Crow’s feet are the small, branching wrinkles that form at the corner of the eye when smiling. The skin in this area is much thinner than in other parts of the face, exacerbating the appearance of wrinkles.

    Bunny Lines (Nose creases)

    Bunny lines, otherwise known as nasalis lines, are the rabbit-like wrinkles that appear on the side of your nose when you scrunch up your face, smile or laugh. These lines sometimes extend upwards to the lower eyelid.

    Dimpled Chin (Lengthens Chin /Slimming)

    A puckered or dimpled chin can worsen with age as the muscles in the chin area become more overactive. The natural age-related loss of collagen increases this dimpled appearance. Botox smooths the chin area for a more youthful look.

    Smile Lines

    Lines that form at the corners of the mouth can sometimes extend downwards towards the jaw, or even cause the corners of the mouth to droop. Botox injections at this site can help you maintain a happier, more lively appearance.

    Neck Bands (Platysmal Bands)

    Both horizontal and vertical wrinkles appear in the neck area with age. Botox works by preventing neck muscles from sagging, and can also improve the jawline for a look that mimics the results of a neck lift.

    Non-Surgical Nose Job

    Botox applied to the base of the nose can raise the nasal tip. This works by weakening the muscles which pull the tip of the nose down as you smile or talk. Sometimes known as liquid rhinoplasty, this technique can be combined with dermal fillers for a re-contouring of the nose.

    Botox Lip Flip

    Otherwise known as a Botox lip lift, this technique may also be done with Botox alone or combine with lip fillers. Botox provides a fuller lip pout by mildly rolling the upper lip outward. Fine lines around the upper lip are minimized as a pleasant side effect of this procedure.

    Gummy Smile Treatment

    Excessive elevating of the upper lip when smiling is known as a gummy smile, as the gums above the front teeth become exposed. Injecting Botox can weaken the retractor muscles that cause this effect.

  • Yes, when administered by qualified and experienced medical professionals, Botox is considered safe. Botox is an FDA-approved cosmetic treatment with a long history of successful use in reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

  • The results of Botox treatment can be impressive and transformative. Botox is primarily used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, particularly in areas such as the forehead, between the eyebrows (glabellar lines), and around the eyes (crow's feet). After the treatment, patients can expect to see a noticeable reduction in the depth and prominence of these lines, resulting in a smoother and more youthful appearance.

    Botox works by temporarily relaxing the targeted facial muscles, preventing them from contracting and forming wrinkles. As a result, the skin appears smoother and more relaxed. The effects of Botox typically become noticeable within a few days to a week after the treatment, with the full results becoming apparent within two weeks.

    The duration of the results varies from person to person but generally lasts for three to four months. Over time, as the effects wear off, follow-up treatments may be recommended to maintain the desired outcome.

    Apart from its cosmetic applications, Botox is also used for various medical purposes, such as treating certain medical conditions like chronic migraines, excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), and muscle spasticity. The results of Botox in these cases can offer relief and improve the quality of life for those affected.

  • One of the significant advantages of Botox is that it involves minimal downtime. Since Botox injections are non-surgical and performed through tiny needles, they do not require any incisions or stitches. As a result, patients can typically resume their daily activities immediately after the treatment.

    Some individuals may experience minor redness or slight swelling at the injection sites, but these effects are usually mild and resolve quickly within a few hours to a day. It is advisable to avoid rubbing or massaging the treated areas immediately after the procedure to prevent the spread of the toxin to unintended areas.

    While there is no significant downtime associated with Botox, healthcare providers may recommend some precautions for the first 24 hours after the treatment. These may include avoiding intense physical activities, saunas, or excessive sun exposure. Additionally, it's essential to follow any specific aftercare instructions provided.

    Overall, Botox offers a convenient and quick solution for addressing wrinkles and lines without the need for extended recovery periods often associated with surgical procedures.

  • Discomfort and pain are typically quite mild. Like any injection, you might feel a slight discomfort, similar to a pinprick. Following the treatment, you may experience mild swelling or bruising, but these side effects usually subside within a few days.

  • A good candidate for Botox treatment typically meets certain criteria and has specific aesthetic concerns. Here are some factors that make someone a suitable candidate for Botox:

    Age and Skin Condition: Botox is commonly used to treat dynamic wrinkles caused by repetitive facial muscle movements. Candidates are usually in their late 20s - 65yrs and have relatively good skin elasticity. It is suitable for over 65 years if candidates have strong facial muscles. If not Rebecca can suggest other treatments to achieve desired results.

    Specific Concerns: Ideal candidates have concerns related to wrinkles and lines, such as forehead lines, frown lines (glabellar lines), and crow's feet. Botox is effective in smoothing these types of wrinkles.

    Realistic Expectations: Good candidates have reasonable expectations about the results of Botox treatment. While it can produce significant improvements, it is essential to understand that Botox provides temporary results and will require maintenance treatments to sustain the effects.

    Overall Health: Botox is considered safe for most healthy individuals. However, candidates should disclose their medical history, including any allergies, muscle or nerve conditions, and previous cosmetic treatments, to ensure there are no contraindications.

    Not Pregnant or Breastfeeding: Pregnant and breastfeeding individuals should postpone Botox treatment until after these phases, as there is limited research on the safety of Botox during pregnancy or while nursing.

    Must be over 18 years.

    No Known Allergies: Candidates should not have a known allergy to any ingredients in Botox, including botulinum toxin type A or human albumin.

    Commitment to Aftercare: Following Botox treatment, patients should adhere to any post-treatment instructions provided by the healthcare professional to optimize results and minimise potential side effects.

  • Your options for addressing similar concerns to aesPlla® include various alternative treatments like:

    - Dermal fillers

    - PLLA fillers such as Aesplla

    - Needle-free Mesotherapy

    - Micro-needling with RF

    - Laser resurfacing

    To find the most suitable treatment plan for your specific skin concerns and goals, it's essential to have a discussion with your practitioner.

Rediscover Your Youthful Radiance

Embrace the transformative magic of Botox treatment to unlock the secrets of rejuvenated, smooth skin. Contact Rebecca today to book your Botox Anti-wrinkle treatment and witness the incredible results firsthand. Don't miss this opportunity to embrace your timeless beauty and say hello to a more youthful you with Botox.