Brow Tattoo Healing Process - Step by Step

Day 1

The brow area may be slightly red and swollen after the procedure depending on each clients sensitivity. The hair strokes / shaded area will appear fine, sharp and crisp and not too strong in colour.

Day 2 - 5

As the hair strokes start to heal the colour will intensify and can appear much darker than the original pigment tone. This is due to scab formation with is part of the healing process. The colour has now expanded from 2D to 3D as it is sitting on top of the skin in the formation of a scab. At this point the brows and lips can look quite intense. For eyeliner your day two could involve swelling.

Day 6 - 10

This point of the healing process can be the most daunting as the scabs start to exfoliate and the brows may look patchy and feel itchy. Use your healing balm to press down any flakey patches rather than pick. This will also relieve the itchy feeling. It is important not to pick or scratch the area in the phase.

Day 11-30

At this point the colour of the strokes are at their lightest, this is caused by the body’s natural healing process. You may choose to add pencil and/or powder whilst they appear light. When implanting a product into the skin the bodies natural reaction is to dispose of the antibodies. The product is drawn back deeper into the dermal layer in an attempt of disposal. Once the body stops trying to fight the product, the colour slowly pushes forward to the surface, but the full potential of this is only seen when the skin has fully healed internally. The strokes themselves will be either true to implantation size or could expand into thickness slightly as they soften depending on skin type, again this is the unpredictability of skin.

Day 31 - 50

The true colour could have healed up to 40% lighter than expected depending on the skin undertones

Retouch Procedure

A retouch treatment is due between 4 to 6 weeks to perfect any areas that have not held to full potential, any tweaks in shape or colour can be made at this appointment too.

For clients whose skin has reacted well to the treatment and have followed the after-care advice will have good retention and not had much colour fade, it will only be minor gaps that need to be filled. For others who have had poor retention it may mean we need to reevaluate the colour choice and further treatment maybe needed.


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