Permanent Eyeliner

Naturally Beautiful Eyeliner

Permanent Eyeliner

Have the eyeliner you’ve always wanted without the hassle of applying it daily. Wake up everyday to your eyeliner and say goodbye to that pencil.

The Best Choice

Choosing the right permanent makeup artist to deliver the perfect Eyeliner is very important. I ensure that your permanent eyeliner treatment yields the best results, with meticulous care and attention to detail creating a flawless and natural-look.

With extensive training and years of experience in beauty aesthetics I’ve become a trusted name. My commitment to taking the time and care necessary to deliver exceptional results sets me apart from the rest. Rest assured, your eyes are in the hands of a skilled and caring expert who is dedicated to enhancing your natural beauty, making me the perfect choice for your permanent makeup eyeliner treatment.

Treatment Time

1.5 - 2.5 hours

Full Recovery Time

4-6 weeks *see FAQ below

Sensitivity Period

2-3 days


Low Risk

The Treatment



Back To Work Time


Results Last

2-5 years


Eyeliner lower lash liner

1 hour, 30 mins · £150

Eyeliner Top Lid
(with or without wing)

2 hours · £250

(top lid and lower lash)

2 hours, 30 mins · £285

Permanent Eyeliner Pixel Flick/Shaded Winged Eyeliner

2 hours, 30 mins · £350

After Care

Post Treatment Expectations

After your permanent eyeliner treatment, it's common to experience some initial swelling, redness, or minor irritation around the treated area. This typically subsides within a few days. Expect the color of the eyeliner to appear darker immediately after the procedure; however, it will gradually lighten as the skin heals, revealing the desired shade. The healing process can take around one to two weeks, during which you might notice slight flaking or scabbing, but it's essential to avoid picking at the treated area to ensure proper healing and pigment retention. Adhering to the aftercare instructions below will contribute to optimal results. Remember, the final outcome will reveal the beautifully enhanced eyes you desired, offering a long-lasting, low-maintenance eyeliner solution.

Post Treatment Aftercare

After undergoing a permanent eyeliner treatment, proper after-care is crucial for optimal healing and long-lasting results. In the initial few days, gently cleanse the treated area with a mild, fragrance-free cleanser to prevent any buildup of debris. Apply a thin layer of recommended ointment or healing balm I will provide to you after your treatment to keep the area moisturised and aid in the healing process. Avoid exposing the treated area to direct sunlight, excessive moisture, or swimming pools during the first week to prevent the pigment from fading or potential infections. Refrain from using makeup or skincare products on the treated area until it has fully healed. Additionally, avoid rubbing or scratching the eyes to allow the pigment to settle properly. Following these after-care instructions diligently will ensure a successful healing process and vibrant, long-lasting eyeliner result.

Please note, the above aftercare is just a guide. Full aftercare advice will be given to you when you attend your appointment with us.

Before and After


  • Lip Blush Permanent Makeup is a cosmetic tattooing technique that enhances the natural colour and shape of the lips. Unlike traditional lip tattooing that often creates a bold or solid colour, Lip Blush aims for a softer, more natural look by gently tinting the lips, providing a subtle enhancement.

  • The level of pain experienced during a permanent eyeliner treatment can vary from person to person. Some individuals may feel minor discomfort or a sensation similar to scratching, while others may find it slightly more uncomfortable.

    Generally, I use a numbing cream to minimize discomfort during the procedure.

  • From 6-8 weeks after your first session a final appointment will be booked at which we will take photographs of your healed permanent brows and make any final colour boost or touch ups if needed to complete and perfect your look.

  • Your healing will take place over 4-6 weeks.

    Day 1 - Eyes can feel sensitive, take time to rest and get a good early night.

    Day 2 - Eyes can be swollen. Use cool (but not frozen) compress for 5 minutes each hour to calm the swelling. Eyes can be washed with soft cotton wool pads soaked in luke warm water and healing balm can be applied day and night.

    Day 3-10 - Skin will harden and begin to flake away. It is important during this stage not to pull or pick the area.

    Day 10-40 - The pigment settles and it may look like some the colour has disappeared. Between 4-6 weeks the pigment will rise and the colour depth will settle revealing the final look.

  • The longevity of permanent eyeliner treatment can vary from person to person due to factors like skin type and lifestyle. On average, permanent eyeliner can last anywhere from two to five years before a touch-up is needed to maintain its vibrancy. However, the initial intensity of the pigment will fade slightly during the healing process, revealing the final desired shade within a few weeks after the procedure. Regular touch-ups every couple of years can help retain the desired color and keep the eyeliner looking fresh.
